vlog • August 12, 2017

Becca Takes on Scotland


This was my second attempt at recording a life experience, and again it’s a bit shoddy because it’s iPhone footage, but I love it.
Note: YouTube took down the first song so it doesn’t make total sense without the audio, but the experience is much better if you have it. So here’s what you do: find and play “Obvious Child” by Paul Simon at the exact moment the video hits between 0:16-0:17. The beat should come at the exact time the image shifts to the next scene

Simply put, this video makes me beyond happy. I was going through an extremely rough time and decided to challenge myself by going on a solo-backpacking trip across Scotland. It completely changed my life; it made me realize that I can be self-sufficient and I am capable of accomplishing something that seems wholly insurmountable. The trail I walked on is the John Muir Way (not to be confused with the John Muir Trail in CA).

Like I said, the video quality seems a bit amateur-ish, and that’s because it is. But if you really watch the video, it does a great job at highlighting my eye for moments in life, a skill that I’ve been developing for years now. Even in the beginning of my filming journey, I would say I have a great sense of composition and how to capture a moment. I’m beyond proud of what this video showcases, both my journey and the product.


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